Sunday, March 11, 2012

March 2012 Dimensional Eatos

Everyone has probably tried to revive good decks of past format. This is my attempt at one. Dimensional eatos was a deck that was anti meta in a format that was heavily reliant on graveyard. The format currently depends on effects that activate on field and depend on graveyard a little bit.

Lets get to the decklist and break down:

Guardian Eatos-3
Beast King Barbaros-3
Elemental Hero Neo Alius-3
Photon Thrasher-2
Elemental Hero Stratos-1
D.D. Survivor-1
Crusader of Endymion-1

Gemini Spark-3
Forbidden Chalice-2
Mystical Space Typhoon-2
Dimensional Fissure-2
Pot of Duality-2
Dark Hole-1
Soul Release-1
Reinforcement of the Army-1
E Emergency Call-1

Skill Drain-2
Fiendish Chain-2
Macros Cosmos-2
Bottomless Trap Hole-2
Starlight Road-1
Dimensional Prison-1

There are a couple of unique choices in the deck that were not available during its reign originally. One of them is Photon Thrasher. Thrasher is a good beater that can be searched. Under skill drain it gets that much better. Something people are wondering is why am I only playing one survivor?? I'm only playing one because once in play it will keep reviving itself and its searchable.

The spell line-up is nothing special really. playing soul release is good this format with everything having a slight dependency on graveyard. You can banish those hornets sitting in yard. Stop the wind-up loop by banishing hunter. Forbidden chalice is one of my fav cards in the deck because its something people do not expect anymore. It negates the effect and gives a slight boost of 400 ATK. If you use it on an opponents monster usually you will be able to run it over even with the 400 boost.

The trap line-up is also a little different this time around as well. Macros cosmos is up to 2 now instead of the one people played originally. With exceeds now in the game, macros is better because it will still remove the materials unlike dimensional fissure. So this is great against anything thats heavy on exceeding (cough dino rabbit cough) or monsters that act as equip spell cards when sent to the graveyard (cough hornet). It will allow wind ups not to reuse their zenmaightys and rats. So it can hurt alot of the meta right now. The one torrential tribute is a player preference.

 Let me know what you guys think and suggest changes to the deck. Thanks for reading guys.


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