Thursday, February 23, 2012

If you want success in the upcoming format...

hello everyone

after analyzing the next banlist, its not difficult to see what will be the meta during the next 6 months (unless Konami made an emergency banlist).

the triad has been stablished even before March. every smart player should know that wind-ups, inzektors and dinorabbit decks will be the ones that will mostly top.

so the easiest deck you can make of those three is inzektors; it is the one i decided to make of those three. if you want a decklist go to previous posts.

the problem is that, despite of which of those decks you want to run you will need the cards to counter inzektors, dinorabbit and wind-ups. those cards are Maxx C, Effect veiler and Zenmaines.

if you dont have those cards, it will be very difficult to counter dinorabbit and wind-ups, but with veiler (the cheapest of those 3 cards), you can counter inzektors and half-counter wind-ups.

what about the "tier 2" decks, such as SixSams, GKs (royal tribute is a pain in the ass), HERO variants? those decks can fight perfectly against the Triad mentioned avobe, but you will have to include a pair of techs (the most poular is fiendish chain) and make your best side deck choices to success against those decks.

another issue that you have to take into account is speed. the Triad has too many speed; dinorabbit and wind-ups have a highly strong Turn 1. inzektors are the slowest of those three, but they use their Turn 1 to send Hornet to grave or add Dragonfly or Centipede to its hand. so in a couple of turns, those decks can wreck you completely and make some pluses without effort.

the deck i most know about is inzektors. so to build an inzektor deck (as budget as possible), you will need 4 engines:

inzektor engine: 3 hornet, 3 dragonfly, 3 centipede, 1 giga-mantis (if you want a budget, mantis is optional)

milling engine: 1 or 2 mystic tomato (1 if you run 2 card trooper), 1 armagedon knight, 2 card trooper.

milled engine: 2 call of the haunted (maybe 3 from March 2012; to be cahined to MST and destroy card trooper/sangan, or to bring back a milled inzektor and make some pluses), BW zephiros the elite (i havent even tested it yet, but maybe is an excelent choice to bounce one of your inzektors if they got veilered, of to bounce a CotH), 2 necro gardna (excelent to protect your inzektors from be attacked, also it is lvl 3, to perform the infamous rank 3 xyz), sangan (return it with an MSTed CotH and get a free search)

synchro engine: even with the raise of xyz and konami forcing us to play them, synchros are an important part of this deck. i only run 4 tuners, 3 effect veiler and 1 AG birdman. veiler can be back to the field to summon armory arm together with any inzektor, and both monsters be banished for the BLS+armory arm OTK. birdman is very good to save you veilered dragonfly, returning it to your hand; it also can perform som eplays thet will wreck your opp, such as: dragonfly eff, centipede eff, search for giga mantis, bounce dragonfly to perform the dragonfly+mantis combo next turn, go into any lvl 6 syncho (preferably undergound arachnid to take one of your opps monsters, most of times, zenmaines)or rank 3 xyz (zenmaines or leviathan). if your opp controls an important monster (grapha, JD), dont use centipede eff, bounce dragonfly, and synchro summon Locomotion R Genex to gain control over your opp monster. maybe i should run 2 birdman instead of 1, since the popularity of veiler and fiendish chain is increasing.

after adding those engines, just splash some magic and trap cards and you will have your "budget" inzektor deck. you can try different builds, putting more traps, removing 2 card trooper and 2 necro gardna, and including 2 raiohs.

thats all for today.


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