Thursday, February 17, 2011

March 2011 Banlist: Real or Not

So there have been some banlists floating around the web for a couple of weeks now and this one catches my eye to be the real one:

Goyo Guardian
Cold Wave
Mass Driver

Book of moon
Gateway of the six

Card trooper
Archlord kristya
Spirit reaper
Debris dragon
Royal tribute
overload fusion
Solemn warning
Icarus attack

Chaos sorcerer
Demise, king of armageddon
Snipe hunter
Dewloren, king tiger of ice barrier
Gold sarco
Skill drain
Ultimate offering

Now some of you are prolly thinking nice job konami. Not too unbalanced. I'm thinking the same thing. I think they missed some stuff. Like mind master. The OTK with this card will be tcg side in the next 4-5 months. Just long enough to affect the meta. Also, trishula should have been brought down to at least two. Its a devastating card. And with infernities still out there somewhere. Trishula becomes more troublesome. I think they could bring destiny draw to 2. It wouldn't be broken but helpful. One is dead and three is too good.

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  1. Looks interesting, but I'm not sure about Overload at 2. Chimeratech Overdragon has plenty good machines to abuse nowadays, and with two Overloads and Triple Cyber to work with? Not sure bout that. I imagine Veiler helps deal with that, but all the same.

  2. Yea, I feel the same way. I think cybers are going to cause a little ruckus this format. Im not sure how long either but im sure they will though.
