Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Inzektor Imitation

hello everyone

first of all, i would like to apologise for the lack of YGO related news and only for the update of decklists. the fact is that, due to other blogs are doing fairly well updating products and so, i dont feel the need of posting about yuginews.

so, lets go for Inzektor Imitation.

the deck is basically a normal inzektor deck, but running some techs that will help you to perform nice plays and increase its consistency. the decklist is as follows:

monsters: 21

3 dragonfly
3 centipede
3 hornet
1 giga-mantis
2 ladybug
1 hopper
1 beetron
1 gorz
2 veiler
1 sangan

spells: 14

1 inzektor sword zektkaliber
1 dark hole
1 monster reborn
1 heavy storm
1 mind control
1 book of moon
2 pot of duality
3 insect imitation

traps: 5

1 solemn judgment
2 solemn warning
2 torrential tribute

the deck focus on the same: dragonfly + hornet, but adding 2 ladybug, 1 beetron and 3 insect imitation to the equation, we have a more consistent deck. lets see some sample plays.

-TGU + sangan + insect imitation= TGU, tributed sangan wil bring hopper via insect imitation and hornet via sangan will pop 1 card of your opp. - cards in your deck.

-ladybug + insect imitation= summon ladybug, tribute it to bring dragonly, fly eff  for ladybug, summon centipede, centi eff for ladybug, add hornet. then you have fly + centi + hornet in hand nad you have -3 cards in your deck. also your opponent will have to get rid of both monsters in his/her turn to not to be minused.

-dragonfly + hornet + insect imitation=it is the best play and too weary to write, so i will simplify as much as possible.

1. fly pops a card and summon centi, centi equipes hornet.

2. imitation on fly for beetron. beetron eff send hornet to grave and summon fly in def. search for mantis.

3. equip mantis and hornet to fly. pop both and summon 2 centi. (beetron + fly + 3 centi on field).

4. fly + 1st centi for melomelody. melo eff detaching fly. 2nd centi eff and 3rd centi eff for mantis and hornet. pop both and summon fly and search zektkaliber. (beetron + 2 centi + 1 fly + melomelody on field).

5. both centi for 2nd melomelody. melo eff. equip fly with hornet. pop beetron and summon hopper. equip hopper with hornet and fly with zektkaliber. pop both and summon hornet and get a card from your grave. (1 fly + 2 melomelody + 1 hopper + 1 hornet on field).

6. fly + hornet for melomelody. melo eff. and attack for game: 1400 + 1400 + 1400 + 1400 + 1400 + 1400 + 1700 = 10100

the deck is doing good results in playtesting, so lets take a chance on it.
i hope you have enjoyed.


Thursday, May 10, 2012

Lancer Frogs

hello everyone after so much time without posting anything. im back with my pre-hieratic deck (since i havent all the cards yet). this deck is known as Lancer Frogs. for those that are unfamiliar with that kind of deck, here you have a link to its official thread in pojo, with tips, the cards you could need and the most important thing, rulings.

first of all, the decklist.

monsters (27) 
3 tour guide
3 sea lancer
3 swap frog
3 dupe frog
2 ronintoadin
1 treeborn frog
1 poison draw frog
3 light and darkness dragon
1 gorz
2 battle fader
1 sangan
3 effect veiler
1 caius

spells (12)
3 enemy controller
1 salvage
1 heavy storm
1 dark hole
1 monster reborn
1 pot of avarice
1 book of moon

traps (1)
1 treacherous trap hole

the strategy of the deck is to fill the graveyard with frogs and ronins using swap frog´s effect. then, use treeborn and ronins or enemy controlled monsters to summon LADD and waste your opp´s resources.

another strategy (the main one) is, after dropping at least a dupe frog/poison draw fron and a ronin, summon ronin banishing 1 of those frogs (your choice depends on if you want to draw or search a frog), tribute ronin for sea lancer, and activate its effect, being a 2300 atk monster with non destruction effect that nets you a card via poison or dupe.

tech choices:
-3 tour guide: a engine by itself, not only serves at an instant floater for sangan and then sangan for any frog or sea lancer, but it serves as an instant rank 3 xyz.

-3 LADD and 1 caius: you can summon LADD using any frog or ronin in your hand and swap frog. discard frog or ronin to grave, activate swap´s effect, send a frog or ronin (depending on what you discarded), sumon ronin and tribute both for LADD. then your opponent will have to waste, at least, 2 cards to get rid of it, and if it is destroyed, you will special summon swap frog, activate its effect and send treeborn frog. in your next standby phase, special sumon treeborn and tribute both treeborn and swap for 2nd LADD if you have it in your hand and keep on gettin pluses negating your opp´s cards. the sole caius is here to get rid of problematic cards, as usual.

-1 salvage: nice card, since is a free +1 in hand and can bring back your destroyed sea lancer to hand to repeat the play again (summon, equip and so). it also provides frogs in graveyar to keep on special summoning swap frog and fill the graveyard as quik as possible. eg: discard frog for swap´s effect, send ronin, bounce swap, activate salvage, discard and send one more frog and one more ronin, banish both frogs sent to grave (dupe + poison draw) for both ronin, overlay for gachi gachi, tribute swap for sea lancer, activate sea lancer´s effect and equip both banished frogs. then you have a 2700 atk monster and a gachi gachi.

-1 treacherous trap hole: free +1 on field, destroy 2 of your opp´s monsters for free, or destroy 1 of your opp and 1 sangan/dupe frog, and get a search. nice card is nice.

extra deck (15)
1 windup zenmaines
1 leviair
1 utopia ray
1 gaia dragon, the thunder charger
3 gachi gachi
1 dark mist
2 E HERO absolute zero
1 leviathan
1 chimeratech fortress
1 formula synchron
1 temtempo
1 melomelody

side deck is sort of personal and it depends of what is played in your local area, but a quick draft could be:

side deck (15)
2 superpolimerization (thats why there are 2 absolute zero in the extra deck)
2 dust tornado (dimensional fissure/macro)
2 shadow imprisoning mirror (inzektor/DW)
2 chain dissapearance (all above 1000 atk)
2 royal decree (heavy trap decks)
2 kaiser glider (laggia)
2 MaxxC (combo decks, hieratics)
1 cyber dragon (random machina decks)

hope you have enjoyed and take a chance at non meta decks. one of its pros is the surprise factor.
