hello everyone
after testing Trance DW (it gave good results maining 3 Trance Archfiend), i moved to inzektor, wich cost me 65 € (87 $) to complete.
this week, inzektor giga-mantis will arive via mail from USA, and the decklist will be:
monsters (26)
3 hornet
3 dragonfly
3 centipede
1 giga-mantis
1 gorz
1 sangan
2 card trooper
2 necro gardna
1 armagedon knight
1 mystic tomato
3 effect veiler
2 Maxx C
1 ally genex birdman
1 dark armed dragon
spells (11)
1 dark hole
1 monster reborn
1 heavy storm
1 foolish burial
1 allure of darknes
traps (3)
1 trap dustshoot
2 call of the haunted
extra deck (15)
2 chimeratech fortress dragon
1 leviathan
1 leviair
1 zenmaines
1 steelswarm roach
1 utopia
1 armory arm
1 brionac
1 stardust
1 underground arachnid
1 trishula
1 locomotion R genex
1 ancient fairy dragon
so here it is. its a bit budget, since i run no TGU, and it gave me good results last weekend even running only 1 Maxx C and no giga-mantis. the bad thing is that i failed making the side-deck (pretty poor against DW, which won me at finals). call of the haunted is THE CARD, since it can bring back sangan and trooper if it is MSTed and gain too much advantage.
thats all for today (at least from me, i dunno if U will post something today)
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Friday, January 27, 2012
March banlist (wall of text warning)
As March begins to close in, so does the march format. This one is gonna be an interesting one. Alot of decks in play that are susceptible to be whacked by the banhammer of Konami. I'll go ahead and post mine as well:
Black Luster Soldier: Envoy of the Beginning
Mind Control
Heavy Storm
Goyo Guardian
Tour Guide From the Underworld
Wind-Up Zemaighty
Royal Oppression
Agent Of Creation: Venus
Rescue Rabbit
Giant Trunade
Daigusto Emerald
Master Hyperion
Book of Moon
Mystical Space Typhoon
Solemn Judgment
Inzektor Dragonfly
No Change
Black Luster Solder EotB:
No explanation need for this monster of a card. Its an 1 card otk with either armory arm or honest. Its capable of changing the outcome of a game easily. It can be reborned after being correctly summoned. Genex Ally Triforce can summon this card for free. Its too easy to summon and barely has limits on it.
Mind Control:
It wins games. Its almost as bad as brain control but you just cant attack with it. With the exceed engine in play, This has been getting abuse like crazy.
Does this really need explaining?? Tour guide tengu plant decks love this card. Its not gonna kill the deck but definitely slow down the synchro stuff its capable of enabling.
Heavy Storm:
Every format konami switches trunade and storm. No different this time either.
Goyo Guardian:
Something probably not gonna happen. Big generic level 6 synchro that specials a defeated monster in defense on your field. With the game the way it is, it wouldn't be as overpowered as it used to be. We have warning now and easily avail. We shall see konami
Tour Guide From the Underworld:
This card has alone defined the TCG format. This card has been every deck that was won a YCS since Providence back in June. Im sure its been in every top 8 deck since release. Its time to hit every YCS winning decklist.
Wind-Up Zenmaighty:
Its the heart of the wind-up hand loop deck following hunter. Why not touch hunter?? Hunter is on good for the hand loop and exceeding. . For the most part, it stops the hand loop dead in its tracks.
Royal Oppression:
Something that should have never been banned in the 1st place. The main reason it was banned was because Konami has never liked the "one card that stops everything" type of card. This is a perfect example of that concept. Special summoning at an all-time high. We could use some control again.
Agent of Creation Venus:
This card is a big part of the deck for agents and TG agents. It special summons shine balls and the deck begins to start the combos. Its also a level 3 monster so it becomes a leviair material after running out of shine balls. Plain and simple, its a searchable enabler.
Rescue Rabbit:
In its release, it single-handed created a control deck that abuses vanillas. Something that had not seen alot play in a very long time. This deck brought them back to light and began to win too! The reason for its limited status on my list is because theres always leviair to recycle it.
Giant Trunade:
See Heavy Storm.
Daigusto Emerald:
Pot of avarice is one, why shouldnt this be. This card is capable of put back up to 6 cards and drawing 2. Now compared to avarice, its slower because of the once per turn limit but its also a monster. I think this could be one of those cases where the TCG won't even get to experience it completely.
Master Hyperion:
Its a dark armed dragon for the agent theme. While alot of people believe structure deck only cards will not get it. I think this one could break the mold in this case. Top decking this card has won games. Not to mention, agents won this past world championship. Im sure this card had a hand in it.
Book of Moon:
Something we could all use. A card to control the field. Seeing that inzektors are running things like crazy. This provides some defense against it.It can also be used as an offensive card too. The supposed reason it was limited was because Kevin Tewart felt that the players weren't using it "correctly". Completely disagree with that but.... oh well.
Mystical Space Typhoon:
This card at 3 was excessive. 2 was fine at the time. Most decks don't even main the 3rd. Its usually sitting in the side deck.
Solemn Judgment:
Now I know I'm gonna looked at differently for this one. With warning at 2, why put this at 2 as well. It gives players options. Of course, I don't see this happening but its Konami. Anything is possible with them.
Inzektor Dragonfly:
This card starts the loop that pluses so much in the deck. I'm sure we all know the loop or have seen it. Not much explanation needed.
With that wall o' text completed, let me know what you guys think well be in store for in with the banlist nearing release.
Thanks for reading.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
March 2012 banlist thoughts
hello everybody
all bloggers are posting what should be, or what may be the next banlist, so here i go with my own banlist.
black luster soldier, envoy...
TG hyper librarian
mind control
goyo guardian
DW snoww
rescue rabbit
agent venus
inzektor hornet
wind-up rat
DH malicious
book of moon
red eyes darkness metal dragon
six sam shi en
BW kalut
No longer in the list:
destiny draw
so this is what i think could be the banlist.
all bloggers are posting what should be, or what may be the next banlist, so here i go with my own banlist.
black luster soldier, envoy...
TG hyper librarian
mind control
goyo guardian
DW snoww
rescue rabbit
agent venus
inzektor hornet
wind-up rat
DH malicious
book of moon
red eyes darkness metal dragon
six sam shi en
BW kalut
No longer in the list:
destiny draw
so this is what i think could be the banlist.
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Hero Beat: Small teams!!
Ive always been a big fan of heroes since the debut of absolute zero. Ever since then Ive always tried to play heroes in every format regardless of what the meta was. This format was no different. I attempted to recreate old school zero and add tengus. It worked fairly well but wasn't fast enough to keep up with agents etc. So once again im attempting to try it again. Except this time Ill be using an ocg concept to boot. Recently hero beat has been doing quite well in the ocg with its unique builds. Some of which include unusual techs and different objections as a win condition. I like the concepts from the ocg so much better. They're not dependent on exclusives like the tcg is currently. With that, here's the decklist:
Elemental Hero Stratos-1
Photon Thrasher-3
Elemental Hero Alius-3
Elemental Hero Bubbleman-3
E Emergency Call-2
Pot Of Duality-3
Gemini Spark-3
Mystical SPace Typhoon-2
Super Polymerization-2
Miracle Fusion-3
Book Of Moon-1
Reinforcement Of The Army-1
Monster Reborn-1
Dark Hole-1
Dimensional Prison-2
Torrential Tribute-1
Starlight Road-1
Bottomless Trap Hole-2
Hero Blast-2
Solemn Warning-2
Solemn Judgment-1
Elemental Hero The Shining-2
Elemental Hero Absolute Zero-2
Elemental Hero Great Tornado-1
Elemental Hero Gaia-1
Elemental Hero Nova Master-1
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon-1
Dragon Knight Draco Equiste-1
Stardust Dragon-1
Blade Armor Ninja-2
Number 39: Utopia-2
Number 10: Illumiknight-1
Now there are a couple of unique choices in the build I felt will work with the synergy of the idea. Photon Thrasher is one of the those cards. Its quite a good card. Its can special summon itself is you control no monsters. Its not a cyber dragon where your opponent needs a monsters while you don't. Its a level 4 monster which is very good for this deck. Its a warrior which is a requirement for blade armor ninja. It can be searched by reinforcement of the army as well. This version of hero beat is different from the standard for a number of reasons. The monster count is lower than standard hero beat. Its more focused on the beat of the opponent than controlling what they can do. It recycles like crazy. Give it a try and offer up some suggestions and advice if you have any.
Thanks for reading.
Elemental Hero Stratos-1
Photon Thrasher-3
Elemental Hero Alius-3
Elemental Hero Bubbleman-3
E Emergency Call-2
Pot Of Duality-3
Gemini Spark-3
Mystical SPace Typhoon-2
Super Polymerization-2
Miracle Fusion-3
Book Of Moon-1
Reinforcement Of The Army-1
Monster Reborn-1
Dark Hole-1
Dimensional Prison-2
Torrential Tribute-1
Starlight Road-1
Bottomless Trap Hole-2
Hero Blast-2
Solemn Warning-2
Solemn Judgment-1
Elemental Hero The Shining-2
Elemental Hero Absolute Zero-2
Elemental Hero Great Tornado-1
Elemental Hero Gaia-1
Elemental Hero Nova Master-1
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon-1
Dragon Knight Draco Equiste-1
Stardust Dragon-1
Blade Armor Ninja-2
Number 39: Utopia-2
Number 10: Illumiknight-1
Now there are a couple of unique choices in the build I felt will work with the synergy of the idea. Photon Thrasher is one of the those cards. Its quite a good card. Its can special summon itself is you control no monsters. Its not a cyber dragon where your opponent needs a monsters while you don't. Its a level 4 monster which is very good for this deck. Its a warrior which is a requirement for blade armor ninja. It can be searched by reinforcement of the army as well. This version of hero beat is different from the standard for a number of reasons. The monster count is lower than standard hero beat. Its more focused on the beat of the opponent than controlling what they can do. It recycles like crazy. Give it a try and offer up some suggestions and advice if you have any.
Thanks for reading.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Wind-up hand loop: Greatness or Epic Fail??
By now I'm sure just about everyone has knowledge of the hand loop possible by this deck. Now for the now big question... Is it gonna hold its own in the current meta tcg side? We know the deck is very good ocg side. But any player from either side can tell you, the metas are quite different. With the TCG have broken exclusives in just about every set, it tends to be more aggro than anything. The OCG is more chill and seems to be better in general. With that said, the hand loop is doing fairly well in the OCG. This could be one of those situations like dark world. Everyone thought because is was doing so well in the OCG that it would come over and just dominate the TCG as well. I can tell you from personally being there at the first YCS it was legal. Everyone was ready for it and there wasn't enough time to find a "groove" if you will to let it do well. It flopped pretty badly at that YCS. I remember playing one and the guy didn't know what he was doing whatsoever. He had the tour guides and ravens. The whole shebang and my TG stun tore him to pieces. The following YCS it did fair wayyy better than the its premier.It also had access to dark smog at that time which I think played a key role in the better results. I think the wind-up hand loop isn't going to do so well at first,but after people learn to play it though, it'll be a force to reckon with.
Thanks for reading.
Thanks for reading.
Monday, January 16, 2012
Trance Archfiend in Dark World.
hello everybody
this time i came with a card that will increase DW potential to the max (it sounds like a Konami´s advertising lol): Trance Archfiend.
first, its stats and effect:
atk/1500, def/500, Fiend, Dark, level 4
Once per turn: You can discard 1 Fiend-Type monster and have this card gain 500 ATK, until the End Phase. When this card on the field is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard: You can target 1 of your banished DARK monsters; add it to your hand.
the good point is that discarding is not a cost, but an effect; so you will get DW´s effects when discarded. also it will be a 2000 atk (2300 if gates of the underwolrd is on the field), so it will go over Raioh easier than ever.
its second effect also deals with DW. when destroyed, you can add 1 banished dark monster and put it in ur hand, to discard it again and those stuff that DW does.
so im testing DW including 3 of those dudes, if it doesnt works, i will put 2 instead of three, to have Draged Down Into the Grave alive.
i will post the testing results as soon as possible, with its decklist.
this time i came with a card that will increase DW potential to the max (it sounds like a Konami´s advertising lol): Trance Archfiend.
first, its stats and effect:
atk/1500, def/500, Fiend, Dark, level 4
Once per turn: You can discard 1 Fiend-Type monster and have this card gain 500 ATK, until the End Phase. When this card on the field is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard: You can target 1 of your banished DARK monsters; add it to your hand.
the good point is that discarding is not a cost, but an effect; so you will get DW´s effects when discarded. also it will be a 2000 atk (2300 if gates of the underwolrd is on the field), so it will go over Raioh easier than ever.
its second effect also deals with DW. when destroyed, you can add 1 banished dark monster and put it in ur hand, to discard it again and those stuff that DW does.
so im testing DW including 3 of those dudes, if it doesnt works, i will put 2 instead of three, to have Draged Down Into the Grave alive.
i will post the testing results as soon as possible, with its decklist.
Friday, January 13, 2012
Change of meta??
As I was looking over a couple of blogs I read regularly. One in particular (Zero-Th Theory) is speculating on the March Banlist. I like his banlist. With reading this post, I've realized that March isn't as far away as we think. I think with the banlist coming soon, I hope it brings a change from the craziness we have now to something a little more controlled and slower paced. Im not going to post a banlist as of yet. But will do so soon enough. With this post all finished, go check out his blog! Great stuff relating to YGO.
Thanks for reading!
Thanks for reading!
Wind-up decklist
hello everybody
this is Heavy Shit Eater on his first post on this blog.
afert testing a bit the new Wind-up monsters (specially Shark), i complete a decklist that can perform the loop and has access to synchro monsters if the loop is interrupted and you have to end the game with big dudes as Trishula.
so here is the decklist:
monsters (24)
3 tour guide from the underworld
3 windup rat
3 windup hunter
3 windup shark
3 ally genex birdman
2 TG warwolf
2 effect veiler
2 C Maxx
1 TG striker
1 tour bus from the underworld
1 sangan
spells (15)
3 upstart goblin
2 instant fusion
2 pot of benevolence
1 heavy storm
1 dark hole
1 monster reborn
1 pot of avarice
1 book of moon
traps (1)
1 treacherous trap hole
extra deck (15)
3 windup zenmaighty
2 windup zenmaines
1 leviair
1 leviathan dragon
2 level 3 fusion monsters
1 AOJ catastor
1 black rose dragon
1 trishula
1 brionac
1 gaia knight
1 chimeratech fortress dragon
the deck has very good hands, only with TGU, TG warwolf and instant fusion, you can perform the loop even if ur opponent uses Effect Veiler on one of your monsters. also the tech that im testing, pot of benevolence, works pretty well, because you will return 2 zenmaighty most of times to perform the whole loop and sned all ur opponent´s hand to the grave.
any comment about the deck is welcomed.
thats all for today
this is Heavy Shit Eater on his first post on this blog.
afert testing a bit the new Wind-up monsters (specially Shark), i complete a decklist that can perform the loop and has access to synchro monsters if the loop is interrupted and you have to end the game with big dudes as Trishula.
so here is the decklist:
monsters (24)
3 tour guide from the underworld
3 windup rat
3 windup hunter
3 windup shark
3 ally genex birdman
2 TG warwolf
2 effect veiler
2 C Maxx
1 TG striker
1 tour bus from the underworld
1 sangan
spells (15)
3 upstart goblin
2 instant fusion
2 pot of benevolence
1 heavy storm
1 dark hole
1 monster reborn
1 pot of avarice
1 book of moon
traps (1)
1 treacherous trap hole
extra deck (15)
3 windup zenmaighty
2 windup zenmaines
1 leviair
1 leviathan dragon
2 level 3 fusion monsters
1 AOJ catastor
1 black rose dragon
1 trishula
1 brionac
1 gaia knight
1 chimeratech fortress dragon
the deck has very good hands, only with TGU, TG warwolf and instant fusion, you can perform the loop even if ur opponent uses Effect Veiler on one of your monsters. also the tech that im testing, pot of benevolence, works pretty well, because you will return 2 zenmaighty most of times to perform the whole loop and sned all ur opponent´s hand to the grave.
any comment about the deck is welcomed.
thats all for today
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Wind-up Shark - Another good TCG exclusive or a card that'll collect dust??
Order of Chaos is right around the corner. As always, the TCG has it exclusives. This just so happens to be one of them. With the wind-up archetype on the rise to becoming a meta deck with this set's release, an exclusive should have been expected. We get this cute guy!!
![]() |
Very viciously cute!!! |
Fish Type
Fish Type
Level 4
Effect Monster
When a “Wind-Up” monster is Normal or Special Summoned to your side of the field: You can Special Summon this card from your hand. Once per turn: You can activate 1 of these effects:
● Increase this card’s Level by 1, until the End Phase. ● Reduce this card’s Level by 1, until the End Phase.
● Increase this card’s Level by 1, until the End Phase. ● Reduce this card’s Level by 1, until the End Phase.
Now alot of people are like " WTF??" This card will help take the archetype to the next level. As many people know by now, wind-ups will be like x-sabers in their prime. Hand looping an opponent first turn will leave them defenseless and thus making the game an easier win for you. The hand loop deck consists of mostly level three monsters that can be easily summoned for little to no cost. This card follows the same idea EXCEPT that its originally a level 4. This has it advantages as well. Once we get Daigusto Emerald this card will become that much better. With this and magician in the deck, the deck will gain access to rank 4 exceeds.
Thats all for today. Look fo rmore frequent updates from me. Also Im looking for a couple to contribute to the blog. Email me if your interested. Thanks for reading!!!
Monday, January 9, 2012
New year new try at ygo blogging
Well I figured its a new year. Why not try the yugioh blogging thing again lol. So here I am once again starting up again. For all of you who have been blogging for some time now. Got any advice for the new guy???
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